January Update

January Update

Here’s a few things that have been happening on the farm. Some good, some great, and some not so good (so you know it’s not all sunshine and roses)

We acquired another 35 acres that connects to ground we already own. This addition comes with several barns and out buildings. We are excited to clean it up and turn it into something that works for us.

After a lot of changes we found a new way to store our sheep medicine and tools in the buggy. We have tried buckets, tool boxes, baskets, and more, and have finally landed on an over the door shoe hanger cut to size. So far it is working well!

We like to feed bottle lambs raw cow milk and buy it by the gallon and freeze them until needed. That system is great and inexpensive but takes a while to thaw and it’s hard to speed up that process when the lamb needs milk quickly. To improve this we used a gallon and poured it into ice cube trays to make raw milk cubes! This way we can heat up a couple cubes to get a lamb fed while a whole gallon of milk thaws.

We lost two ewes in one day. One we aren’t sure why, and the other was old and having issues. We like to do a necropsy whenever a ewe dies to see if we can find out any information that might help us in the future. Both these ewes were found to be pregnant. One with twins and the other, triplets. While this is sad, it also lets us know that are ewes are on track to lamb in March and that we should have a good number of them bred.

Honey Bees!

Honey Bees!

2021 Favorites

2021 Favorites